Our mission is to help youth complete their education and training to find and retain employment.
Serviced 45 youth in the WIOA program which is offered to 14-24 year olds, either in school or out of school. Examples of services provided include paid work experience, leadership development, tutoring/study skills instruction, and financial literacy.
Participation in the Annual Youth Job Fair held in the Summer of 2023 included 32 employers and 108 Youth who attended in hopes of getting a summer job.
3 Career Exploration Events were held for both 8th grade students and Junior/Seniors in high school. These events impacted a total of 50 ISDs and 2,841 students in the South Plains Region. These events brought a total of 146 exhibitors to assist students in their exploration journey.
This was the Pilot year for the Education Outreach Program in the South Plains with 5 ISDs partnering with Workforce Solutions. This collaboration impacted 3,581 students and 238 adults (ISD Stakeholders, faculty, staff, or parents) by providing a total of 171 sessions/workshops for the year.
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Workforce Solutions South Plains is an equal opportunity employer/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Relay Texas: 711(voice); 800-753- 2989 (TDD) or Relay Texas Spanish 800- 662-4954.
©2024 Copyright. The South Plains Workforce Development Board dba Workforce Solutions South Plains